Antonio Aiello
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Antonio Aiello works as a Full Professor of Social Psychology at the Department of Political Science of the Pisa University (Pisa, Italy. He attained his Ph.D. at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" Italy in 1994. Before joining in Dec. 2011 the Department of Political Sciences of the Pisa University (Pisa, Italy) and the Dep. of Psychology of Cagliari University (Italy) in 2005 as Professor of Political Psychology, he taught at several research institutions and universities. Professor Aiello's main research interests are in social and political psychology, and human resources work/organizational psychology.
Primary Interests:
- Applied Social Psychology
- Attitudes and Beliefs
- Communication, Language
- Group Processes
- Intergroup Relations
- Interpersonal Processes
- Life Satisfaction, Well-Being
- Political Psychology
- Prejudice and Stereotyping
Research Group or Laboratory:
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Journal Articles:
- Aiello, A., Passini, S., Tesi, A., Morselli, D., & Pratto, F. (2019). Measuring support for intergroup hierarchies: Assessing the psychometric proprieties of the Social Dominance Orientation7 scale. Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology. 26 (3), 373-383.
- Aiello, A. Pratto, F., Pierro A. (2013) Framing Social Dominance Orientation and Power in Organizational Context, Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 35 (5), 487-495, DOI: 10.1080/01973533.2013.823614
- Aiello, A., Tesi, A. (2017a). Emotional job demands within helping professions: psychometric proprieties of the italian version of the emotional job demands scale. Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology, 24 (2), 167-183. ISSN:1972-6325 DOI:10.4473/TPM24.2.2
- Aiello, A., Tesi, A. (2017). Psychological Well-Being and Work Engagement among Italian Social Workers: Examining the Mediational Role of Job Resources. Social Work Research, 41 (2), 73-83. ISSN:1070-5309 DOI:10.1093/swr/svx005.
- Stewart, A. L., Pratto, F, Bou Zeineddine, F. Sweetman, J., Eicher, V. Licata, L. Morselli, D., Saab, R. Aiello, A., Chryssochoou, X., Cichocka, A., Cidam, A., Foels, R., Giguere, B., Liu, L., Prati, F., Van Stekelenburgs J. (2016). International Support for the Arab Uprisings: Understanding Sympathetic Collective Action Using Theories of Social Dominance and Social Identity. Group processes & intergroup relations. 19 (1), 6-26. DOI: 10.1177/1368430214558310. This paper wins the Otto Klineberg Intercultural and Intergroup Relations Award, SPSSI, 2015.
- Aiello, A., Tesi, A., Pratto, F., Pierro, A. (2018). Social dominance and interpersonal power: Asymmetrical relationships within hierarchy-enhancing and hierarchy-attenuating work environments. Journal of Applied Social Phycology, 48 (1), 35-45. ISSN:0021-9029 DOI:10.1111/jasp.12488
- Lo Destro, C., Chernikova, M., Aiello, A. Pierro, A. (2017). Who’s most likely to get stressed and leave the company? Effects of regulatory mode on work stress and turnover intentions. Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology, 24 (2), 543-555. ISSN:1972-6325 DOI: 10.4473/TPM24.4.5
- Mosso, C., Briante, G., Aiello, A., Russo, S. (2013). The role of legitimizing ideologies as predictors of ambivalent sexism in young people: Evidence from Italy and the USA. Social Justice Research, 26, 1-17. doi: 10.1007/s1211-012-0172-9
- Pratto, F., Saguy, T., Stewart, A.L., Morselli, D., Foels, R., Aranda, M., Aiello, A., Chryssochoou, X., Cichocka, A., Çidam, A., Cohrs, C., Durrheim, K., Eicher, V., Górska, P., Lee, I., Licata, L., Li, L., Liu, J., Meyer, I., Muldoon, O., Muluk, H., Petrovic, N., Prati, F., Papastamou, S., Petrovic, I., Prodromitis, G., Rubini, M., van Stekelenburg, J., Sweetman, J., Zheng, W., Henkel, K.E. (2014). Attitudes towards Arab ascendancy: Israeli and global perspectives. Psychological Science. vol. 25 (1). 85-94. DOI: 10.1177/0956797613497021
- Pratto, F., Çidam, A., Stewart, A.L., Bou Zeineddine, F., Aranda, M., Aiello, A., Chryssochoou, X., Cichocka, A., Cohrs, C., Durrheim, K., Eicher, V., Foels, R., Górska, P., Lee, I., Licata, L., Li, L., Liu, J., Morselli, D., Meyer, I., Muldoon, O., Muluk, H., Petrovic, N., Prati, F., Papastamou, S., Petrovic, I., Prodromitis, G., Rubini, M., Saab, R., van Stekelenburg, J., Sweetman, J., Zheng, W., Henkel, K.E. (2013). Social Dominance in Context and in Individuals: Contextual Moderation of Robust Effects of Social Dominance Orientation in 15 languages and 20 countries. Social Psychological and Personality Science. DOI: 10.1177/1948550612473663
- Soru, D., Schiavinato, V., Rhazzali, M. K., Aiello, A. (2013). “We were like them”: Intersecting Identities and Mediators' Intercultural Communication in a Municipal Service. Jou. of Intercultural Communication , Issue 31. ISSN 1404-1634,
- Tesi, A., Aiello, A., & Giannetti, E. (2019). The Work-Related Well-Being of Social Workers: Framing Job Demands, Psychological Well-Being and Work Engagement. Journal of Social Work. DOI: 10.1177/1468017318757397
- Tesi, A., Aiello, A., Morselli, D., Giannetti, E., Pierro, A., & Pratto, F. (2019). Which people are willing to maintain their subordinated position? Social dominance orientation as antecedent to compliance to harsh power tactics in a higher education setting. Personality and Individual Differences. DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2019.04.045
- Tesi, A., Aiello, A., Pratto, F., & Pierro, A. (2019). The Spiral of Oppression in work organizations: Framing social dominance theory and the interpersonal power interaction model. Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology. 26 (3), 363-372. DOI: 10.4473/TPM26.3.3
- Tesi, A., Pratto, F., Pierro, A., & Aiello, A. (2020). Group dominance in hierarchy-attenuating and hierarchy-enhancing organizations: The role of social dominance orientation, need for cognitive closure, and power tactics in a person–environment (mis)fit perspective. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice. Online first.
- Tesi, A., Pratto, F., Pierro, A., & Aiello, A. (2020). Group dominance in hierarchy-attenuating and hierarchy-enhancing organizations: The role of social dominance orientation, need for cognitive closure, and power tactics in a person–environment (mis)fit perspective. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice. Online first.
Courses Taught:
- Grad: Human resources and work/organizational psychology.
- Grad: Political and Community Psychology
- Undergrad: Social Psychology
Antonio Aiello
Department of Political Science
University of Pisa
Via Serafini, No. 3
56126 Pise
- Phone: +39 050 221 923
- Skype Name: antonnio.cagliari
- Email: